Thursday, February 12, 2015

Claritin Sees Profits Skyrocket

I'm sure most of the Lyme community has by now seen the article discussing the study conducted involving Claritin. If you missed it you can click HERE to read it.

Now, I'm not going to run out and load up on loratadine just yet, but if they are looking to move past the test tube and are ready to study the effects on people, then I'll be your Huckleberry.

What I do predict is a super-loratadine in the future. I have already shared this thought with some of my fellow Lymies. Claritin is currently OTC (over the counter). Well, that isn't going to work for the pharmaceutical and insurance companies. After all, they are the ones who have made it damn near impossible for a Lyme patient to acquire affordable treatment.

Basically, the loratadine causes blockers which causes the bacteria to starve.
I currently attempt to starve the pesky bacteria by not consuming gluten and sugars. My love for (and the 12 bottles that my husband has shipped to us every 3 months) of red wine and the occasional pizza sometimes gets in the way of that.  Who doesn't love a little fatness in their life from time to time?

In other news: Spring needs to be on it's way. My tree in my front yard is full of budding little pollen balls. There has been sunshine the past few days. Allowing me to get out and move a little more. Although, there was a report of us falling back into the 30's next week. I'm over it already. I don't cry over spilled milk, but I did cry over the cold front approaching. I'm becoming quite cantankerous.
I feel like I'm just banging my head against the brick now. Not only am I having to live day to day. So does my family. It's all we are given though right?

This post is going to be short today. Almost as short as my tolerance has become. So in closing. I was scrolling through my Instagram a bit ago and another Lymie posted a picture and it reminded me to address it. Peeps, doctors, and is called Lyme. NOT Lyme's. It is not possessing anything except my body. It is not named after someone. Just Lyme.
 photo name-3.png

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