Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Something in the Air

Today's entry is brought to you by sheer frustration and a free ride with me on the Pity Train. Yes, there is something in the air this past week. It's going from 104 degrees to low 80's. NOT a Lymie's friend. I spent a lot of last week crying and laying around in bed. Even on Friday during my gym session I managed to run off to the locker room not once, but twice to cry. The sense of myself losing control over my neuro side sucks. Small twitches, muscle myalgia, freezing body temps, and the sleep. I cannot get enough sleep.  We had been on vacation with friends where the temps were warm and the sun was shining. I wanted to sleep. Even felt like the flu a few times. (Classic herx onset.)  As the low pressure systems and the fronts have all shifted, so have my bones.

I'm not really sure where my energy comes from these days. I have started taking on more projects and trying to be positive. I work out quite regularly, run more errands, try to just be more involved than what I have been allowed to be over the past year.  It takes a lot of digging deep.  I haven't been on any of my medications except for my nighttime dose of gabapentin and the occasional Tylenol. The past week though, I can't get enough hot epsom baths.  I also discovered through one of my Lyme groups that drinking Alka Seltzer Gold helps with the herxing. The sodium bicarbonate in it helps raise the PH levels in the body. I'm not sure of the science of this all and I'm also not sure if this is a mind over matter deal, but either way, I seem to get some relief.

We took in Chung Do, a foreign exchange student from Vietnam.  He came to live with us just at a month ago. It's been easier than I thought explaining to him when "Mom isn't having a good day".  He seems to understand and when I ask him if he understands he just says, "Yes, because of your Lyme Disease."
Lyme is universal.  I was able to pull up some information on it that he would understand.

I see the doc in a few weeks. It will be my first visit to him since April.

No such thing as Chronic Lyme some say......I wish I say.

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are in my prayers every single day. I read what you are going through and it just breaks my heart. Wish I had something really better to say. Just remember I am always praying. D.Baker
